Phillip Ohren

SEO & SEM Specialist

Acquisition & Conversion

With 15 years practical experience across the APAC region, Phil has worked with a wide range of brands, large and small, across all aspects of Digital Marketing. Phil brings the same successful approach he has used with famous brands such as American Express, Unilever, Jaguar Land Rover, Bupa, AIG, AAMI, Chanel and Ford to smaller businesses too – understand your customers, adapt your business and design your advertising to find, attract and convert them.

Phillip  Ohren
Phillip  Ohren

What do you enjoy most about working with small and medium sized businesses?

Executing great customer attraction and conversion tactics that are, ironically, too challenging for many large businesses to deploy, because they are not nimble enough to ‘test and learn’ – so many good ideas are left to gather dust. So its really enjoyable working with smaller businesses who are more open to fresh thinking and want to execute quickly.

What is the most common misunderstanding that clients have about what consultants in your field do?

That they can ‘set and forget’ their digital marketing. It simply isn’t the case. Enduring success comes from continuing collaboration between the client and consultant, adaption and hard work.

We aren’t magicians, so any consultant in my field who conjures ‘smoke and mirrors’ isn’t looking after their clients properly.

What is the one mistake that small and medium sized businesses typically make, that you think you can help your Advisory Collective clients to avoid?

Going too ‘broad, too early’ with audience targeting – running advertising campaigns that are effectively ‘spray and pray’.

Our approach is to start with a very small, hyper targeted audience wherever possible, and then grow it gradually, as we confirm with our clients what works best.

Skills and Experience

Phil has a Diploma in Computer Programming as well as a Marking Diploma. In his previous role of APAC Performance Director at WPP, he also completed a Harvard Manage Mentor Diploma.

He and his team are able to help clients with all aspects of Digital Marketing & Strategy:

  • Digital Strategy
  • Content Strategy
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Performance Marketing
  • Conversion Rate Optimisation
  • Programmatic Media

You don’t have to go it alone any more. And working together, the sky’s the limit!

Contact Phil: