Gavin Lister

Career Coach

Career Development

Gavin’s mission is to help the people he coaches to design a career that gives them the greatest achievable combination of fulfilment and success for them, as well as their employer.

Over 25 years he has had the privilege of guiding thousands of people through successful career transitions and job search, as well as managing their careers within their current organisations.

Gavin has also managed both planned and forced career changes of his own on several occasions. He has changed industries and roles, and moved countries three times. He also has substantial experience in coaching high performers and future leaders.

Gavin Lister
Gavin Lister

Which of your business values do you think is most important to you, and why?

What I commit to, I will deliver.  As a coach I am willing to have hard conversations when necessary, always couched in terms of mutual respect.

What is the most common misunderstanding that clients have about what consultants in your field do?

Clients can misunderstand the role of the career coach. They think I should tell them exactly what path to follow and find the role for them. My role is rather to guide them to make their own informed decisions and help them move forward with confidence.

What is the biggest lesson you have learned from starting your own business?

A lesson learned from going out on my own: don’t try to do everything yourself. Invest in outside expertise for tasks that are not in your core skillset.

Skills and Experience

Gavin originally qualified at postgraduate level to teach languages and worked for a couple of years in secondary education. Since then his career journey has taken him to 6 industries on 3 continents, through 2 redundancies, corporate employment and periods of self-employment and contracting.

To underpin his coaching, Gavin regularly uses what is arguably the world’s leading behavioural and motivational assessment tool, the Birkman Method®. He coaches with a balance of sensitivity and directness and this tool gives him and his clients validated data on which to base real, actionable insights.

You don’t have to go it alone any more. And working together, the sky’s the limit!

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